Today I’m sharing my Costa style Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe. A favourite of mine during Winter has always been Black Forest Hot Chocolate from Costa Coffee.  Sadly, they only sell it during Winter – and it’s pretty expensive. So we set about creating a Costa Style Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe using things anyone can buy. Read on for the recipe.

Many years ago, we did some digging to find a recipe, and source the ingredients, to make our own at home. After some refinements and experiments, we now have ‘the perfect recipe’ (in my opinion!) This has become a firm favourite at home, and something I enjoy most Winter evenings.

For This Black Forest Hot Chocolate Recipe, you will need;

  • 250ml Hot (But not quite boiling) Milk. We use Skimmed, or Coconut Milk if you’re dairy free.
  • 2 Heaped Teaspoons of Cocoa. (Do NOT use Drinking Chocolate – it’s not the same!)
  • 2 Teaspoons of Sugar (according to taste).
  • 3 squirts of Blackberry Syrup (30ml) – This is where most people go wrong. Trust me, blackberry syrup is what they use – not Black Forest or Cherry!
  • Generous amount of Squirty Cream. Dairy Free works ok, but it sinks or disappears really quickly.
  • Cherry Sauce Drizzled on top (around 10ml).
  • Chocolate Sauce Drizzled on top (optional).

The above measurements are based on an average sized mug – I have used 16oz Mugs (the large Starbucks ‘Venti’ style) in most of the below photos,  which calls for double the above measurements. The final photo is made using the above measurements though.

costa style Black Forest hot chocolate recipe
Costa style Black Forest hot chocolate recipe – Cocoa and Sugar in the cup

Heat the milk for 90 seconds in a 900w microwave.

While that is heating, add the cocoa (1), sugar (2), and blackberry syrup (3) to the mug.

When the microwave pings, add a splash of the milk to the mug (4), and return the jug to the microwave to finish heating. (Another 90 seconds is perfect for skimmed milk. However, it’ll need less time if you’re using coconut, semi skimmed or whole milk, so keep an eye on it).

Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe - cocoa and sugar in the cup
Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe – cocoa and sugar in the cup

Next, mix the cocoa, sugar and blackberry syrup with the added milk to form a thick ‘paste’ (4). It should be smooth, but not clumped together.  If it does clump, add some more milk. You’re looking for a consistency that matches that of a McDonalds chocolate milkshake.

Once the milk is ready, add half of it to the mug and stir well (5), then add the rest of the milk and stir again (6).

Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe - Adding a splash of milk to make a paste
Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe – Adding a splash of milk to make a paste

If you have a milk frother or a small whisk, that’ll help you get even more bubbles into your drink. I used a cheap milk frother to get to the consistency pictured above – right.

Almost Ready

Next, add a generous amount of squirty cream according to personal preference. Drizzle the cherry syrup to the top of this, spreading it out like you would on ice cream. Add the chocolate sauce, if required, and your Black Forest Hot Chocolate is now ready to enjoy.

Costa Style Black Forest Hot Chocolate Recipe - See where to buy the ingredients and how to make the amazing drink at home!
Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe – The finished drink!

I personally prefer my Black Forest Hot Chocolate without the chocolate sauce, as I find it a little sickly with it. The great thing about making your own is that you can decide how much (or little) of everything to add.

If Black Forest isn’t your flavour of choice, my Costa Style Chocolate Orange Hot Chocolate recipe is also pretty epic!

Finally, let me know what you think in the comments if you make this Black Forest Hot Chocolate recipe!


13 thoughts on “Black Forest Hot Chocolate Recipe – Easy Costa Style

  1. This sounds absolutely delicious. My daughter, KayCee, loves anything with a cherry flavour and I reckon she would love this.

  2. Hi. How come the recipe uses blackberry as opposed to cherry syrup….?

  3. Dave Painter says:

    Blackberry syrup is what they use. Except it isn’t. It is your personal preference! Have I just wasted £13 on a bottle of syrup which is not suitable?

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